Incorporating Sustainability into Peru's National Infrastructure Plan
This project supports the integration of sustainability into Peru's National Infrastructure Plan and the government's project prioritization process
In July 2019, Peru published its first National Infrastructure Plan for Competitiveness (PNIC). This plan – to be updated every three years– is intended to serve as a strategic planning instrument to develop infrastructure projects in the country. To that end, the PNIC 2019 is divided into three main sections:
Section one identifies infrastructure gaps whose closure is essential to ensure Peru’s economic and social development.
Section two prioritizes projects with high productivity and competitiveness for the country.
Section three proposes an institutionalization mechanism to monitor and ensure the prioritized projects’ implementation and establish a long-term infrastructure development strategy.
In this context, Sinfranova was commissioned to provide technical assistance to the Peruvian Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) on the integration of a sustainable approach into the updated version of Peru’s National Infrastructure Plan –National Sustainable Infrastructure Plan for Competitiveness (PNISC) 2022 - 2025–, and more precisely, into the country’s infrastructure project prioritization methodology.
The technical assistance provided by Sinfranova was composed of five main tasks, including:
(i) desk review focused on sustainability practices at the national and international level to identify the work developed in the country, as well as similar initiatives and best practices,
(ii) definition of sustainability indicators and their units of measure in accordance to renowned international frameworks to be integrated into the Peru’s National Infrastructure Plan,
(iii) estimation of the basic access and quality infrastructure gap in Peru to identify the country’s investment needs in the short and long term,
(iv) implementation of the proposed sustainability indicators into a set of different infrastructure projects to analyze their performance, and
(v) capacity building to raise awareness regarding sustainability within the institution and to share the main findings and conclusions of the technical assistance.
The PNISC 2022 - 2025 is available here.