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Sustainability Datasheet - Mexico Projects Hub (Proyectos México)

Defining a methodology and a set of key indicators to classify sustainable infrastructure assets at Mexico Projects Hub (Proyectos México)

According to the Mexico National Development Plan 2019-2024, one of the conditions for Mexico to reach its maximum potential is the national and international investment in the sectors that trigger sustained growth, including the infrastructure one. Under this scenario, in 2017, Mexico developed an online platform called Mexico Projects Hub, an initiative from the Federal Government of Mexico operated by the National Bank of Public Works and Services (BANOBRAS). This platform seeks to link projects of different infrastructure sectors with national and foreign investors, thus promoting long-term financing.

In 2018, Mexico recognized that sustainability considerations were also relevant to investors and could potentially influence the financing conditions of infrastructure projects. As a result, in 2018, Proyectos Mexico received technical assistance from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to support the development of a sustainable infrastructure methodology that would allow the classification of infrastructure projects according to their sustainability performance. Members of Sinfranova developed a 30+ indicators methodology that has been applied to more than 150 projects to this day. This information is publicly available as sustainability datasheets and can be downloaded in a PDF format, providing a first screening of the sustainability features of infrastructure projects in different phases of their lifecycle.


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