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Taxonomy for Sustainable Infrastructure in Mexico

Development of a taxonomy for sustainable infrastructure for the Investment Unit of the Mexican Ministry of Finance and Public Credit

Through this project, members of Sinfranova provided support to the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público - SHCP) —and its Investment Unit— to strengthen its current methodology for prioritizing Projects and Programs (PPI), incorporating sustainability within the criteria.

These asset classification criteria (taxonomy) were developed following two main phases:

The first phase included the analysis of existing information and the identification of opportunities for improvement.

The second phase was divided into several stages, including

  • (i) identification of sustainability taxonomies and attributes at a global level,

  • (ii) identification of potential indicators and metrics that best suit the country's context and national objectives,

  • (iii) internal socialization of the indicators, both through in-person and online workshops, to ensure the comments, suggestions and points of view of the representatives of the different SHCP units were considered, and

  • (iv) definition of templates and specific information to be gathered to complete the new set of indicators integrated into this taxonomy.


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