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Executive training for representatives of the public and private sectors in Peru

Work with The Nature Conservancy to develop a one-week executive training to strengthen the capacity of the public and private sectors around sustainable infrastructure

Planning is crucial to build more sustainable infrastructure. Recognizing that good planning requires capacity and permanent collaboration between the stakeholders working in infrastructure, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) has requested technical assistance from Sinfranova to develop an executive training module around sustainable infrastructure in Peru. Topics like climate change, resilience, and gender mainstreaming were part of the agenda. During the course, participants joined different dynamic exercises, identified best practices and were provided with a set of tools and resources to define their sustainability strategy.

The ultimate goal of this course was to strengthen the capacities around sustainable infrastructure of representatives from the public and private sectors working in infrastructure by providing them with the knowledge and tools required to integrate a sustainable approach into their strategy and roadmap. The executive training was organized within the framework of the project "Planificando Infraestructura Sostenible en el Perú," an initiative jointly led by TNC, the Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE), and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) with support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.

The full-week, in-person training course took place in Lima, Peru. The course targeted over 60 people from diverse audiences from the public and private sectors in Peru, including representatives from governmental and public agencies (Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Energy and Mines, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Ministry of the Environment, National Center for Strategic Planning, National Service of Environmental Certification for Sustainable Investments, Proinversion) private companies and entities (the Association for the Promotion of the National Infrastructure, the National Society of Industries, the National Confederation of Private Enterprise Institutions, consultants, academia, and civil society, among many others (see the full list of attendants in this TNC publication).

Before creating the content of the course, participants completed a needs and knowledge assessment created by Sinfranova to ensure the content was relevant. The training combined theoretical and practical knowledge and addressed topics like climate change, gender mainstreaming in infrastructure, review of industry best practices, and new requirements for sustainable funding. On the last day, participants attended the Envision Sustainability Professional (ENV SP) official course.


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