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Image by Tim Swaan

Sinfranova becomes a member of the Infrastructure and Nature Coalition

  • The Infrastructure and Nature Coalition is led by 25 organizations working together on delivering new infrastructure while promoting nature-positive infrastructure solutions​​


  • Besides Sinfranova, coalition members include WWF, Multilateral Banks like ADB, AfDB, IDB or the World Bank, and the United Nations Environment Programme, among many others  

Sinfranova has proudly joined the Infrastructure and Nature Coalition. The group, comprised of 25 international public and private organizations, is committed to rethinking how infrastructure can be delivered to avoid —or compensate when avoidance is not possible— threats to biodiversity and ecosystems. According to Sinfranova’s CEO & Founder, Cristina Contreras, “It is time to rethink our infrastructure future and find a path to meet humanity’s needs while helping restore a thriving planet. That is why we at Sinfranova decided to join the Infrastructure and Nature Coalition; we are honored to be part of this incredible group”.

The Coalition is composed of international organizations dedicated to the future of infrastructure. Besides Sinfranova, members of the Coalition include the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the African Development Bank (AfDB), the European Investment Bank, the Global Infrastructure Facility, the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI), the Nature Conservancy, the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), among others.

Coalition members.PNG

The Importance of the Infrastructure and Nature Coalition

It is expected that private and public sectors will invest around $90 trillion in infrastructure projects between now and 2030, doubling the amount of existing infrastructure. It represents both a challenge and a window of opportunity. It is a challenge since traditional-built solutions could represent a potential risk to biodiversity, the natural environment, and ecosystems. But it is also an opportunity because when infrastructure is well-planned and integrates a sustainable and innovative approach, it can contribute to reversing the current trends in climate change and biodiversity loss, thus leading to more sustainable development.


As such, the Coalition collaborates to provide resources and guidance on how the sector can deliver new and necessary infrastructure while restoring biodiversity, building resilience, and creating a carbon-neutral future.

The Infrastructure and Nature Coalition present at COP15



During COP15, the Infrastructure and Nature Coalition presented a half-day program on Nature-Positive Infrastructure at COP15. “Nature-Positive Infrastructure: Mainstreaming Biodiversity to Safeguard People and the Planet” featured sessions on mainstreaming biodiversity to safeguard people and the planet. Recordings of all sessions are available here.

The Infrastructure and Nature Coalition_COP15

Last December, Montreal hosted the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15). Governments from around the globe attended the event to agree on a new set of goals to guide global action through 2030 and adopt an agreement for nature.


Infrastructure and Nature Coalition
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The Infrastructure and Nature Coalition_COP15
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